Self Registration

Property Owner Details

* The name of the owner of the property
* The name of the store where the meters are purchased

Physical Address

This is the physical address where the meter is to be installed.
* Property number and street name
* Property name ,building name ,apartment number or floor number
* Postal Code for the property
* City where the property is located
* the municipal area that the meter will be installed in

Contact Details

* Your Email - netVendor will email your reports to this address
* Your Cell - netVendor will use this number to contact
* Your Cell - re-enter your Cell number
Cell numbers do not match

Banking Details

These banking details are required for the deposit of the money collected from the person using the meter and this bank account will never be debited for any reason whatsoever.
* Your Bank Name
* The Bank Branch Code of the account where money will be deposited
* The Bank account number where money will be deposited
* The Bank account holder of the account where money will be deposited
* The Bank account type of the account where money will be deposited


Meter Number Meter Location Meter Type Tenant Name Tenant Cell Number Tenant Email Address Charge Groups
Warning! Please select a municipal area before adding a meter
{{x.meterNumber}} {{x.meterLocation}} {{x.meterType}} {{x.tenantName}} {{x.tenantCellNumber}} {{x.tenantEmailAddress}} {{x.tariff}}


Terms and Conditions

Please accept the terms and conditions by checking the "Accept the Terms and Conditions" check box at the bottom of the page.

Upload Required Documents

  • Please upload your ID and Utility Bill
  • Only .pdf documents are accepted

Document Name Document Type
× {{}} {{x.type}}